What to Wear?
In terms of 'dress', AELC is a "come as you are" church. Some men wear blue jeans - others wear dress shirts - a few wear ties. Some ladies wear slacks - others wear dresses. In the summer, shorts are preferred by some. Seriously, from our pastor, wear what is most comfortable!
How old are people?
AELC is truly a church of all ages. We have people who worship who are in their 90's to newborns.
What time should I arrive?
We gather for worship services on Sundays.
Depends. During thesummer, we offer 2 services which begin at 8:30am and 10:30 am. If you have no children and are easily 'mobile', then arrive by about 8:20 or 10:20 to be in the church by the time each service starts.
What is the worship like?
The word in Christian circles is a traditional service at 8:30 and a contemporary/family-oriented service at 10:30. During the summer months, service styles vary. We seek to use language that is easy to understand and a structure that is easy to follow.
Children are ALWAYS welcome at either service.
AELC worship offers a wonderful variety of acoustical, orchestral, guitars, drums, vocal ensembles, choirs, and hymns! We worship the One True God, encouraging your participation.
What is the preaching like?
We preach from one book - the Bible. We have two goals in preaching. One, theological truth - what does God's word say? Two, relevant application - what does it mean to me? Our prayer is that there are always action steps to take home and implement into your life.
Are guests asked to stand up?
No. On a typical Sunday, we will verbally welcome all of our guests who are visiting for the first time. We want you to feel welcome at AELC - but we don't want you to feel embarrassed or singled out.
How long is the Sunday service?
A typical worship service at AELC lasts about 50-65 minutes. We are not "mastered" by the clock, but we also understand the culture in which we live.
Where do my kids go? (During the school year)
We have an AWESOME youth ministry. Faith Formation for all ages is from 9:00 to 10:15 am for children and youth, and from 9:30 for Adult Faith Formation. When you arrive, ask one of our greeters to assist you to find your child's Faith Formation room.
Will my kids be safe?
We have made every effort to ensure the safety of our children and adults. Childcare workers have approved background checks run through law enforcement agencies. We value the lives of every person who walks in our doors.
Can I talk with a pastor?
After the service, please greet the pastor and ask questions about the church. We welcome you to also contact our office to schedule time with the pastor.
Is lunch provided?
Although we don't provide a lunch, we often have members who provide drinks and donuts or snacks immediately following the service during the summer months. We have coffee available all year. This is a great time to "hang around" and meet other people who call AELC 'home.'