Our mission
Come, to know the love of God: Go, to make it known.
Our vision
Seeking to connect and grow in relationship with God and others.
Our Core values values
Our values are grounded in faith, in our biblical and Lutheran confessional sources and our love of God and neighbor. They speak to the way this church lives and practices our faith, and they will guide how we journey forward in Christ as church together.
Mutual support:

We are reconciled by God’s grace. Forgiveness and reconciliation flow from what God has made us to be in Jesus Christ how God is active in and through us in the world.

As a community we embody support for and with one another through forgiveness, and grace in speech, action, and strengthening relationship.

Faith in Action

Each person is created in God’s image. We respect this God-given right to dignity, and inspired by the life of Jesus, show love and compassion for ALL people. Through proclamation of the gospel, though worship and as servants of God, working for reconciling justice in the world.

Congregation in Service

´In serving others we Serve God. Through our numerous ministries, missions, opportunities for service, and living into our mission we strive to make our faith a verb. Using our faith to guide our actions in worship, community partnership and serving others through the “Love of God.”

Deepening/Growing/Cultivating Faith:

Whatever stage your faith life is at, we at AELC strive to engage in relationship with one another to continue that faith process.

Gathering Place:

AELC a community space, from an invitational worship space to continually finding ways to be a space for community partners to gather we seek to always open the invitation for people to “Come, to know the Love of God” here in this place.

Welcoming of Everyone no matter what:

As Christ’s Church we value the richness of God’s creation and offer a far-reaching invitation to ALL, appreciating our common humanity and our differences. We are a church that does not view diversity as a barrier to unity.

We recognize the challenges in our world that seek to divide people. But we claim Christ’s invitation as our own for women, people of color, minority ethnic groups, differently abled people, those in recovery, people who are on the margins or living in poverty, the LGBTQIA+ community and everyone else.

If you do not see a specific designation for how you define yourself, please know that when we say ALL we mean ALL and are faithfully committed to continually extending God’s invitation.

Grounded yet moving forward (Flexible):

Members shared that while AELC is rooted in traditions, they felt AELC is open to change.